Saudi authorities executed Abdul Rahman bin Saleh in Medina after he was convicted of fatally stabbing his mother and sister, followed by burning their bodies. The execution took place on Saturday, with the Saudi Interior Ministry attributing the crime to the individual’s attempt to conceal both the murder and his prescription tablet addiction.
Following arrest and interrogation, the case proceeded to court, where the man, identified as Abdul Rahman bin Saleh, was convicted of the double murder. The ruling was upheld by both appeals and supreme courts, ultimately receiving approval through a royal order.
Details regarding the motive or timeline of the murder were not disclosed in the report. Saudi Arabia imposes the death penalty for various offenses, including murder, terror attacks, drug smuggling, and trafficking.
This incident follows a pattern of capital punishment in the country. In August, Bandr Al Dousri was executed in Riyadh for torturing his wife to death. The convict had brutally attacked his wife in front of their children following a dispute. Similarly, in July, a brother and sister in Mecca were executed for killing their parents and two brothers. They were found guilty of poisoning their mother and a brother before shooting them, subsequently luring their father to the family’s rest house, where he was shot before the place was set on fire.