LAHORE: Social media has started to trend with Justice for Saleem Masih. Even though PM Imran Khan has warned the people of Pakistan many times against the mistreatment of the minorities, 22-year-old Saleem Masih was tortured to death for being a Christian.
Saleem Masih was chained and tortured by a Muslim landowner on the 25th February. He was accused of polluting water as he was seen rinsing himself with tube-well water.
What had happened
According to the father Ghafoor Masih, the incident took place in the fields of Baguyana village in Kasur District, 50km from Lahore.
Saleem Masih went to rinse himself from tube-well water after finishing unloading chaff in the fields.
Justice for Saleem Masih
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He was noticed by the property owner Sher Dogar, who along with other men rushed and dragged Sleem Masih out and started beating him mercilessly.
According to the father of the boy, Saleem was cursed and abused by the men. He was accused of polluting the water and was called “filthy Christian”.
Saleem was then dragged to a cattle farm, where his hands and feet were chained and continued with their torture. He was beaten with sticks and rods. Saleem suffered from multiple fractures in his left arm and ribs as a thick iron rod was rolled over his entire body. Saleem fell unconscious due to severe pain.
How was Saleem found
The police informed the family at about 9 a.m and asked them to come to Dogar’s Cattle Farm.
Saleem was found unconscious on the ground with face down, face and body bloodied due to torture.
Police were bribed
According to Ghafoor Masih, the police were bribed by the Dogar. Ghafoor informed Sher Dogar apparently had called the police himself and asked the police to settle the matter. The police tried to pressurize the victim’s family to settle the matter.
The father of the victim also said that the Dogar and his men also said Saleem had committed a crime and the punishment was justified.
How was Saleem taken to hospital
The family had to plead with the landowner to free their son. Saleem was freed after much pleading. While the family was begging in front of the landowner the police just stood there and watched.
Saleem was then taken to the district hospital. He received initial treatment there. The Doctors then asked them to take the injured to General Hospital, Lahore.
Saleem Masih lost his life on 28th February. He had suffered from severe internal injuries.
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The father not hopeful to get justice
The father of Saleem Masih is not much hopeful. After seeing the indifferent attitude of the police her is not hopeful to get justice for his son.
Pakistan Center for Law and Justice (PCLJ) has helped the father f the deceased to register FIR against Dogar and four other men.
The police have helped the attacker get bail before Saleem had died. They were held in custody for a brief while, PCLJ Executive Director Napolean Qayyum said.
Napolean Qayyum also said the government has failed to reform the corrupt police system that shows religious prejudice.
He also said the police favored and accused and helped them get bail even though Saleem’s life was at serious risk.
Statement of Kasur District Police Chief Zahid Nawaz Marwat
Kasur District Police Chief Zahid Nawaz Marwat supports the police system.
He denies discrimination and religious prejudice in cases involving the minorities.
He said there may be some black sheep in the system but that does not mean the entire police system is corrupt.
He also said he will look into the matter and the police officers involved will face the departmental inquiry and will be punished if found guilty.
Five Accused
The five accused are
- Sher Dogar
- Iqbal
- Altaf
- Jabbar
- Haji Muhammad
Justice For Saleem Masih
People have started protesting and demanding Justice for Saleem Masih
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