Qmobile noir A8 |
Qmobile noir A9 |
Huawei Ascend G510 |
Bravo G95 |
1 Ghz dual core |
1 Ghz dual core |
1.2 GHz dual core cortex-A9 |
1 Ghz Single core cortex- A9 |
512mb ram |
512mb ram | 512mb ram | 512mb ram |
4 GB rom | 4 GB rom | 4 GB rom | 4 GB rom |
4.3 inches display | 4.5 inches display | 4.5 inches display | 5.3 inches display |
1800 mAh | 1800 mAh | 1700 mAh | 2500 mAh |
5 MP + secondary | 8 mp + secondary | 5 mp + secondary | 8 mp + secondary |
15200/= rs | 16850/= rs | 16750/= rs |
13950/= rs |
Above is the basic comparison between A8 , A9,Huawei g510,Bravo G95.
As you can see Ram & Rom is similar in all phones .There is a slight difference between Qmobile A8 , A9 & Huawei Ascend G510 processor as Huawei is leading with 0.2 Ghz while Bravo is incomparable as its has 1GHZ single core . Other than this display size almost equal with 0.2 small difference in first 3 phones while there is a big change in Bravo G95 display with 5.3 inches that comes in Phablet category.
Battery i can’t say anything about A8,A9 & Huawei because it depends on your usage but its good as compared with price . It gives 12-16 hours with low usage. In case of Bravo G95 Big battery its timings are really good & normally its gives more than 24 hours .
Now come to the final conclusion:
- In processor huawei wins
- ram/rom all are fine
- display size qmobile A8 , A9 & huawei is perfect while Bravo is not comfortable in hands
- in battery G95 takes the lead
- Camera ranking is like 1) Huawei 2) A9 3) A8 4) G95
- pricing A9 & huawei are same A8 a bit lower because of its camera and display size while bravo G95 have least price because of single core processor.
The Benchmark above clearly shows that Huawei has taken the lead with 7098, qmobile A8 5544 , qmobile A9 2710 & bravo with 2574 score.
So, what you are thinking which one is best according to its price share your opinion below your. I have not included 3g feature in comparison because it is useless to discuss as there is no 3G service in Pakistan :( so if a phone have 3G/4G you can’t use that feature :)
Note : All benchmarks are taken before rooting on stock roms :)
Huawei G510 Specs.
Android version : 4.1.1
Board : U8951-1
Brand : Huawei
Device : hwG510-0200
Total RAM: 394MB
Free RAM: 82.04MB
Processor ARMv7
Processor rev 1 (v7l)
processor cores 2
Hardware MSM8x25 U8951
Frequency range: 245.76
-> 1209.6MHz
Current Frequency: 1209.6MHz
Resolution: 480 x 854
Density: 240 dpi
LIS3DH 3-axis Accelerometer: 0.2 mA by ST
AK8973 3-axis Magnetic field sensor: 6.8
mA by Asahi Kasei
AK8973 Orientation sensor: 7.0
mA by Asahi Kasei
CM3602 Proximity sensor: 0.5
mA by Capella Microsystems
CM3602 Light sensor: 0.5
mA by Capella Microsystems
This Benchmark comparison is wrong. You should use only one application to show the difference. Please update this because you compared Noir A9 and G Five (using Quadrant Benchmark) and Noir A8 and Huawei (using Antutu Benchmark) which have totally different scoring method.