The people of Pakistan celebrate the 23rd of March, every year, with great zeal and enthusiasm, to commemorate the most outstanding achievement of sub-continent Muslims who passed the historic Pakistan Resolution on this day at Minto Park, Lahore in 1940.
The Lahore Pakistan Resolution, also known as Karar Datey Pakistan, was indeed a landmark in the history of the Muslims of the sub-continent. Before this, the Muslims of the subcontinent had no goal and no future in view, and Muslim politics remained in the hands of individuals with conflicting interests and inclinations.
As soon as the Lahore Resolution was passed by the Muslim League, the Hindu press started criticizing the Muslim League and declared this resolution the Pakistan Resolution.
The personality of Mohammad Ali Jinnah was also criticized by the Hindus and their prominent leaders. Mohammad Ali Jinnah gained nationwide popularity after the Lahore Resolution because the Muslims of India had a lot of expectations from him, and he was the only source of inspiration for the Muslims.
The All India Muslim League played a vital role in the creation of Pakistan in the year 1940. The Muslim League had become a stronger political party for the Muslims of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent, under which the Muslims were struggling for a separate homeland for them. By this time, the great leader of the Muslims, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, had become the lining symbol of Muslim unity and Muslim politics, and the Muslims had so completely centered on him that he had become almost an institution in himself.
23rd March 1940, Minto Park, #FlashBack

23 March 1940, Lahore, Pakistan Resolution Day
In the words of Quaid-i-Azam, “Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religions, philosophies, social customs, and literature. They are neither intermarried nor interdine, and indeed, they belong to two different civilizations that are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their concepts of life and of life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes, and different episodes.
The resolution which was passed at the session reads: “No constitutional plan would be workable or acceptable to the Muslims unless geographical contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary. That the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in majority as in the North-Western and Eastern zones of India should be grouped to constitute independent states in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign”.
It further reads, “Adequate, effective, and mandatory safeguards shall be specifically provided in the constitution for minorities in the units and in the regions for the protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political, administrative, and other rights, with their consultation. Arrangements thus should be made for the security of Muslims where they are in a minority.”.
The Resolution turned down the concept of United India and recommended the creation of an independent Muslim state consisting of Punjab, N. W. F. P. (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Sindh and Balochistan in the northwest, and Bengal and Assam in the northeast.
The majority of Pakistanis, especially the youth, are patriots and follow in the footsteps of Quaid-e-Azam, but unfortunately, the Pakistani government has, from time to time, messed up the ideology of Pakistan completely. In 1940, the Muslims decided their destiny; hence, not the way it is in the present, 2014, everything is opposite and messed up completely.
Last year, the Balochistan Liberation Army ( BLA ) Blew off Quaid’s Residency, which was sad and shameful for the government. Only one guard was assigned to take care of this treasure, but that’s not all. You won’t believe what’s happening at Mazar-e-Quaid. I am sure that after watching these two posts and the videos, you will become a rebel against the government.
Quaid-e-Azam always spoke about justice, but that does not exist anymore for the ordinary Pakistani at all. Governments are so corrupt that even election rigging cannot be sorted out. Billions and trillions of dollars are going where no ordinary Pakistan can tell, but we still have the education, health, and necessities issues lying in front of us.
Where is Quaid’s Pakistan? Why only youth care and nobody else even remembers what he said and what Pakistan should’ve been by now? In 1960, “Pakistan was about to be the Asian Tigers,” one of the leading South Asian countries in the region, but after the fall of Dhaka, everything changed.
Until 1973, there was no authentic constitution in the country. Although the 1958 Constitution existed, I don’t know who or how it was practiced. 1973’s constitution changed for an ordinary man in Pakistan.
Don’t blame the youth for the wrong decisions and plans. The government is busy somewhere else while distributing laptops and loans with interest, which is Haram in Islam for the youth.
Still, we have the chance to save Pakistan from these corrupt people in power. You and I make the difference; trust me, we live and die for our motherland, and we have that same spirit to lead our country proudly. InshaAllah, we will succeed.
Take care of Pakistan, and Quaid’s dream will come true. Love Live Pakistan.
READ MORE:69 Famous Quotes by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
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it was very helpful but i think it should have been in urdu
It was very helpful