The largest manufacturer of Motorcycles in Pakistan Atlas Honda has increased the prices of Motorcycles third time in the same year, new prices of Honda motorcycles are effective from 1st, April 2021.

Honda has increased the price of motorcycles for the Third time this year. Earlier in January prices were reshuffled, the company had increased the prices of models by Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,600.
Atlas Honda has once again increased the prices of motorcycles by Rs 1,400 to Rs 1,600 for which a notification has been issued.
The new prices will be applicable from April 1, 2021.
The company has increased the price of Honda CD70 by Rs. 1000. After this new addition, the price of CD70 has increased from Rs. 81,900 to Rs. 82,900.
Honda CD Dream Price 1000, while the price of Prider was increased by Rs. 1,000 After which the price of CD70 Dream has increased from Rs. 87,900 to Rs. 88,900 while the price of Honda Prider 100cc has increased from Rs. 113,500 to Rs. 114,500.
Similarly, the price of CG 125 has now increased by Rs 1600 from Rs134,900 to Rs 136,500. The CG 125SE has been further increased by Rs. 1600 and its price has been increased from Rs. 162,900 to Rs. 164,500.
Retail Sales New Prices w.e.f 1st April2021, according to the notification issued by the Atlas Honda Company to the dealerships across the country.
The New Honda Motorcycles Prices
Model | Price |
Honda CD70 | Rs 82,900 |
Honda CD70 Dream | Rs 88,900 |
Honda Pridor 100 | Rs 114,500 |
Honda CG 125 | Rs 136,500 |
Honda CG125S-SE | 164,500 |
Honda CG125F-SE | 197,500 |
Honda CB150F | 252,500 |
It appears that Motorcycle manufacturers in Pakistan are constantly readjusting the prices after every two months or so even though The US Dollar is weakening against Pakistani rupee market is stable still bike manufacturers are not slowing down.
The hike in prices comes as no surprise as there’s no check and balance on Automotive industries, following the footsteps of Atlas Honda, United, Super Power and Yamaha Pakistan soon will update with their game plan.
The Automotive market in Pakistan faces uncertainty as the prices are constantly going up and out of reach of the ordinary person.
One of the most trending factor of Honda Motorcylces is New Sticker every year, They capture the market once they replace the sticker and people start buying the same bike with new sticker.
Atlas Honda unveils new stickers of Honda CG 125 2021 Model
The most selling bike Honda CD70 Model 2021 also gets sticker replaced
Atlas Honda unveils new stickers of Honda CD 70 2021 Model
New and the latest innovative Honda CD70 2021 Model
Read more: Yamaha Motorbikes prices increased – April 2021
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