
Here you will find all about the latest news on the automotive / automobile industry in Pakistan keeping our viewers updated when it comes to prices or even upcoming vehicles.

Suzuki Motorcycle, Suzuki Motorcycle Plant, Suzuki Production

Pak Suzuki Temporarily Shuts Down Motorcycle Plant

Pak Suzuki Motor Company (PSMC) has announced to shut down its motorcycle plant for 12 days due to shortage of inventory resulting from State Bank of Pakistan's (SBP) mechanism for prior approval of imports. Pak Suzuki Shuts Down Motorcycle Plant "Due to shortage of inventory level, the management of the...

BAIC BJ40 Plus Price in Pakistan, BAIC BJ40 Plus Price

BAIC BJ40 Plus Price in Pakistan With 25% GST

Sazgar BAIC has announced a massive increase in the BAIC BJ40 Plus Price in Pakistan from for all new orders and bookings from 8th March 2023. The price hike comes after the Federal Government imposed 25% General Sales Tax (GST) on all SUVs, CUVs and cars having engine capacity of...

Yamaha Installment Plan, Yamaha Motorcycle Installment Plan

Yamaha Announces Motorcycle Installment Plan With 0% Markup

Yamaha Motor Corporation has once again announced an installment plan with 0% markup (interest-free) for its motorcycles to attract more customers and stay ahead of the competition. Yamaha Announces Motorcycle Installment Plan With 0% Markup According the details, the company has announced a 12 months interest-free installment plan for all...

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