
Here you will find all about the latest news on the automotive / automobile industry in Pakistan keeping our viewers updated when it comes to prices or even upcoming vehicles.

Pak Suzuki Shuts Down Production Plant Temporarily

Pak Suzuki Shuts Down Production Plant Temporarily

Pak Suzuki Motor Company (PSMC) has announced to shut down its production plant from 2nd To 6th January 2023 due to low inventory levels. According to the notification, the decision to announce Non-Production Days (NPDs) comes in light of the import restrictions placed for Completely Knocked Down (CKD) kits by...

Honda CD 70 Dream 2023 Installment Plan, Honda CD 70 Dream Installment Plan, CD 70 Dream 2023 Installment Plan, CD 70 Dream Installment Plan

Honda CD 70 Dream 2023 Installment Plan

Atlas Honda is providing an easy installment plan for Honda CD 70 Dream 2023 with zero markup or interest via MCB Bank Limited for its customers. Therefore, if you're an MCB credit card holder and considering buying a new motorcycle, you may want to consider the Honda CD 70 Dream's...

Proton Saga Installment Plan, Proton Saga, Bank Alfalah Auto Loan, Bank Alfalah

Proton Saga Easy Installment Plan With Bank Alfalah

Al-Haj Proton Pakistan has announced an easy Installment Plan for Proton Saga in collaboration with Bank Alfalah. Proton Saga Easy Installment Plan With Bank Alfalah According to the details, Proton Saga Automatic (AT) can be availed on easy installment plan through Bank Alfalah's Auto Loan with a priority delivery the...

Toyota IMC, Toyota Production Plant,

Toyota IMC Shuts Down Plant Temporarily

Toyota's Indus Motor Company (IMC) has announced to shut down its production plant and observe 11 Non-Production Days (NDPs) due to shortage of raw materials and components arising from restrictions of Completely Knocked Down (CKD) kits. Toyota IMC Shuts Down Plant Temporarily In a letter letter issued by the company...

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