As of Today, The exchange rate of 1 Qatari riyal (QAR) is equivalent to 76.51 Pakistani Rupees (PKR) on Friday, June 07, 2024 in Pakistan.
Due to its free-floating nature, the value of the Qatari riyal in Pakistani currency fluctuates frequently.
This means that just the Qatari Riyal stands today without any change, not gaining or losing any value from the worth of the Pakistani Rupee.
Qatar Riyal to PKR exchange rates
Date | Buying | Selling |
June 7, 2024 | Rs 76.51 | Rs 77.21 |
Disclaimer: The daily updates for AED to PKR, SAR to PKR, and USD to PKR exchange rates in Pakistan are provided herein based on information sourced from the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). It is important to note that the official currency exchange rate is determined and provided by the banking regulator.