The exchange rate for the US Dollar (USD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) today, Saturday, 22nd March 2025, is as follows according to the Pakistan Open Market:
- Buying Rate: PKR 282.1
- Selling Rate: PKR 282.1
USD to PKR Live Exchange Rate & Trends
The exchange rate between the US Dollar and Pakistani Rupee fluctuates due to various economic and financial factors. Monitoring daily currency rates helps businesses, travelers, and investors make informed financial decisions.
USD to PKR Historical Exchange Rate
Recent exchange rates for USD to PKR:
- 21 March 2025: PKR 281.5
- 20 March 2025: PKR 280.8
- 19 March 2025: PKR 279.9
The market trends indicate slight fluctuations in the USD to PKR rate, influenced by global economic conditions and Pakistan’s financial stability.