The “Supermoon” shines big and bright in some while obscure in other parts of the world as skywatchers get excited to catch sight of our celestial neighbor this year. This is the biggest full moon of the year or rather when the moon is closest to the earth, called the...
NEW YORK — Apple says it received between 4,000 and 5,000 requests from U.S. law enforcement for customer data between Dec. 1, 2012 and May 31. The company, like some other businesses, had asked the U.S government to be able to share how many requests it received related to national...
ISLAMABAD: As many as seven universities of Pakistan have made it to the list of top 250 Asian universities while three other universities among the top 200 world universities in agriculture and forestry. Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), United Kingdom-based universities ranking agency issued the ranking for the year 2013. According to QS,...
Tax is money that people of a democratic country pays to their government. Taxes are of 2 types Direct taxation and Indirect taxation. Direct Taxation : is simply the tax that levied on income/wealth of individual's & Organisation's Indirect Taxation : Taxes that are place on Goods and services. E.g GST general sales Tax. In...
A person's last words before they pass away can often be prophetic, profound, poetic, or just plain dumb. The following statements fall into that last category. Now, this might seem a bit mean spirited, but keep in mind that these people knew that these statements would be recorded and held...
Yet another strike in Karachi which effects million lives and Government seems to be not worried about it at all, In my entire life I have never heard a single Strike in London nor in New York but that's unfortunate destiny of the metropolitan city only. Daily the innocent people...
Recently I went to the bank to re-activate my account, which was done by simply depositing amount, since the account was inactive almost a year, Banks fellas told me that my ATM is no longer functional because they have introduced Debit Card which replaced Smart Card ATM. So I filled...
Since last 5 to 7 years street crime in Karachi has increased specially mobile phones snatching most of the people don't even bother to report Police but those even does gets just the FIR which is useless. The Street Crime In Karachi has taken the shape of mafia and daily...
There are so many but I've just pointed out 10 as the most dangerous and poisonous Animals, It is not easy to tell which animal is the most poisonous. This post is informative and I would love if you share with me as well, the one you think are the...
Blended 328 is country band from United States and nowadays they are touring Pakistan. Blended 328 has created a hybrid form of country music, with 3 girls and 3 guys of different ethnicity and musical influences, Blended 328 has created a hybrid form of country music that is truly unique...
The Wrong timing and the wrong move by the Toyota Company Ecotec Card ! it was the Suzuki started to fit built in CNG kits in it cars some years before, This strategy paid off for the Suzuki in Pakistan. The growth in Pakistani CNG sector is huge with some...
Dr Arif Alvi have sent a strong rejoinder to daily times Pakistan, concerning hoax article which today got printed & published here is the screen shot of twitter.
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