

Govt must Upgrade Police Computerized FIR online record

Our Police Stations are still represents 19th century, nothing has changed nor upgraded if you go there to register the FIR you will witness that same old constabulary system, Same old registers same old ways Carbon papers kept between two for multiple copies and registering FIR least takes an hour....


Chukhandi : The Historical Cemetery

The Remarkable Historical Cemetery known as The Chaukhandi  situated 29 km (18 miles) east of the city Karachi on National Highway near the Landhi Town. Once it was Part of Malir in Sindhi  know as " Mulk Malir " in ancient stories which is now merged with the huge massive metropolitan city of Karachi. The Chaukhandi tombs are remarkable for the elaborate and...

Hoax by NASA on the pointless prediction

It was on iCNN and many other local channels and websites that NASA predicted dark sky on 23rd December, which is today and it's 730 am here in Karachi,  I can see it is normal morning like any other before all I am wondering why NASA wasn't sure enough about...

The Satanic Code : Forbidden Knowledge

I been doing some searching on the net over long while regarding Black Magic and other ways which are forbidden, after I downloaded some books my doubt was clear, that knowing future being in the past is not impossible, perhaps no religion allows to know this forbidden knowledge. First i thought i is...


Media The Devils Ideology

Media shapes the stories mold the up for viewers to accept it, more than 80 percent News channels , movies and Dramas are based on violence shows exactly what viewers want to see, is there any myth behind media's devilish ideology Why people prefer to see death and blood shed...

Pakistan : United we stand, Divided we fall

Pakistan : Over 180 Million people call it home, where politics plays the major role as well as the Media, The only country in the whole wide world with 75% under the age of 30 but Youth has no proper guidance even when it comes to religion. Politically messed and...

Virtual Warfare

It was the first time in the history when Israel launched operation Pillar of Defense Operation against Gaza last month in November  the anonymous Cyber Army warned about cyber attacks to Israeli Government over the internet to interrupt and smashed their economy which resulted huge loss several sites were hacked including...

Why not deregularise gas sales? OGRA

EVERY year two natural gas distribution companies owned by the federal government are submitting their petition to Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) for permission to increase the prices of gas to meet their requirement for a final year. Ogra is holding a public hearing in which consumer rights protection...

No Emergency Cell for Sindh like Punjab’s 1122 WHY?

GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE  - The way Punjab has Emergency service number ( 1122 ) , I  typed Sindh  Emergency Service and the result showed me these numbers listed below :- First Site appeared  Sindh Government COMPLAINT CELL GOVERNOR HOUSE (Receives complaints of all kinds including crime and utilities. Complaints are...

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