As if the targeted assassinations and deliberate killings of Arabs and Muslims by Israeli jets and tanks, by American jets and drones are not enough, Arabs and Muslims are waging relentless criminal wars against each other, nurtured and promoted by failed politicians and irrelevant clergymen who want to be somebody.
While not discounting the active dangers of the alliance between Israel, international Zionism and its cohorts and servants within powerful political circles in almost all Western capitals, the clear and present danger facing the Arabs and Muslims are combined “Islamist’s terrorism” and the incompetence and lack of credible responsible political and civic leadership with visions and hopes for the future.
What we have witnessed in the last few weeks (actually has been going on for decades) is a surge of sectarian violence committed by suicide bombers and terrorists in Iraq, in Pakistan, in India, in Afghanistan and in Syria with hundreds, if not thousands of innocent victims. Such massive murders should raise a red flag that sectarian and political terrorist bombing are scrounge far more dangerous and destructive than any thing else facing the Arabs and Muslims.
The introduction of suicide and terrorists bombings into the political and sectarian scenes is not only undermining political and ideological reconciliations between the different competing groups and factions, but gave occupying countries such as Israel and the US the upper hand in the international public opinion damaging almost all efforts to rebuilt countries and communities shattered almost destroyed by the invading Americans and Israeli armies.
Too bad political and clerical leadership in countries like Iraq, Lebanon, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan even Yemen, Syria and Somalia, are the source of evil and cancer that is destroying the countries from within. Destroying almost forever the civil and community peace within countries well known for divisions along sectarian, ethnic and regional lines. In Palestine the destructive, personal and self serving feud between Fatah and Hamas leadership stands in the way of reconciliations, certainly stand in the way of ending the Jewish Occupation and liberation and independent state.
Suicide bombers do not commit such heinous crimes on their own. There are those who recruit them, those who feed them with evil, criminal religious political and ideological indoctrination. Then there are the bomb technicians who prepare the exploding device and train the potential suicide bombers to inflict maximum damage.
More criminal are those clerical and political leaders who promote and nurture such criminal acts. The families of the suicide bombers are equally guilty when they accept the notion of “martyrdom” for their sons, the sons that went out and killed scores of innocent people. When these families stop accepting condolences for their criminal sons then and just may be this scrooge will come to an end.
While the suicide bombers will for sure go directly to eternal hell, those who stood behind them are alive and planning the next mass murder of innocent people.
There is no way in hell for countries like Lebanon, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria to ever reach civil peace from within unless the people weed out and put these clerical and political leadership out of business. For the sake of the country and for the sake of the people, the women, men and children something from within has to be done. It is not a question of a political party or a sectarian group; it is a matter of human survival and value system that has disappeared some years ago.
The solutions to the conflicts in these countries lies within the very people who are the victims of such sectarian and political divisions. Once they feel the same anger at those clerics and politicians they feel about Israeli and American crimes, then and only then they may do something a bout it. To the innocent victims and their families it does make a difference that are the killers, whether they are Arabs, Muslims, Israelis or Americans.
Time to offer the people and citizens a future, something to look for, time to offer them life rather than death, time to offer them decent life here on earth not martyrdom.
Original by Sami Jamil Jadallah