ISLAMABAD: The Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) has announced Secondary School Certificate (SSC) special annual examination for 2020. These intermediate and matric special exams will commence from 23 September 2020.
These SSC Special Examination 2020 (intermediate and matric) are aimed at those private and regular students who are not satisfied with the previous results of their Secondary School Certificate exams and want a chance to improve their grades. It is important to mentioned that no fresh candidates will be allowed to appear in these exmainations.
Read more: Online exams to be conducted by Punjab University.
Submission of form for Regular Candidates
Filling the form with proper details and forwarding it to the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Examination is the responsibility of the institutions. Details can be found in the notification attached below.
Submission of form for Ex/Private Candidates
Students / Candidates can submit their admission forms by 10 August 2020 and in case students are sending these forms by mail than the last date to dispatch these will be 7 August 2020. These candidates also need to attach a copy of their original SSC Annual Examination 2020 result.
Students / Candidates can submit their application forms online, send them through post or at the FBISE One Window Cell. The forms can be downloaded from HERE. More information can be found on the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) website.
This is a copy of the notification:

Read more: Sindh schools will not open from August 15: Murtaza Wahab.
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