The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has announced the date for the Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT), which is going to be held on May 28, 2023.

HEC’s Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) 2023
According to the details, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) will conduct the Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) for awarding all the HEC scholarships and for admission in MS/ MPhil and PhD programmes.
Eligibility Criteria
Those who satisfy all the following requirements are eligible to apply:
General Eligibility Criteria
- Pakistani/AJK nationals
- Minimum 4 years bachelor’s degree (B.S/B.Sc./B.E/16 years formal education)
- No 2nd or 3rd Division in entire academic career is acceptable for both Category – I & II.
- Maximum age on the closing date shall not exceed:
- 40 Years in case of regular Government Employees/regular Faculty members of Public Sector Universities & Government Colleges/regular Researchers of approved R & D Organizations
- 35 Years in all other cases
- Must not be availing any other Scholarship.
- Those having PhD Degree are not eligible.
Specific Eligibility Criteria
There are two categories as mentioned below:
Category I – Scholarship (Top 50 QS World Ranked US Universities)
For this category of scholarship, prospective applicant must have:
- Secured admission in top 50 QS World Ranked US University.
- Valid GRE – General Score (Minimum 300 in total) OR HAT Score (Minimum 60% Score)
Category II -Scholarship (Top 300 QS World Ranked US Universities)
For this category of scholarship, prospective applicant must have:
- Secured admission in top 300 (51-300) QS World Ranked US University (overall ranking). In case of QS Subject wise Ranking, must have secured admission in top 100 (51-100) universities.
- Valid GRE – General Score (Minimum 300 in total) OR HAT Score (Minimum 60% Score).
However, GRE – General or HAT Score is not required in case admission is secured with complete tuition waiver.
Who Can Apply for Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) 2023?
The current Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) is being organized for applicants:
- Who have already applied for MS/MPhil and PhD admission or HEC scholarship via E-Portal for further selection process.
- Candidates who intend to apply for future scholarship schemes advertised by the HEC-sponsored Pakistani universities.
- Candidates looking to secure admission in an MS/MPhil programme in a Pakistani university.
HAT Versions
The Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) 2023 will be conducted in five categories on 16 years of education and students must select the correct category while filling their online form.
Test Category | Disciplines | English/Verbal Reasoning | Analytical Reasoning | Quantitative Reasoning | Total |
HAT-1 | Engineering & Technology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics | 30% | 30% | 40% | 100 |
HAT-2 | Management Sciences, and Business Education | 30% | 40% | 30% | 100 |
HAT-3 | Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Psychology (Clinical & Applied), and Law | 40% | 35% | 25% | 100 |
HAT-4 | Agriculture & Veterinary Sciences, Biological & Medical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Education, and Media & Mass Communication | 40% | 30% | 30% | 100 |
HAT-General | Religious Studies (Madrasa Graduates) | 40% | 30% | 30% | 100 |
Application Instructions
Please fill out the application form according to the following instructions:
- Questions must be answered completely and carefully. Please make every effort to limit your responses to the space provided.
- Before you begin this application, you should make sure that you are aware of all deadline dates and requirements.
- If you do not hold a valid Pakistani passport, apply for one immediately after initial short listing.
- All successful candidates will be required to sign a contract /bond with HEC that binds them to return to Pakistan immediately after their program completion in the U.S. and serve the country for the number of year’s specified in the agreement. As long as a person fulfils the service requirement, he or she will pay nothing, otherwise, a grantee will be legally liable for the cost of his or her scholarship program in the U.S. No grantee will be required to pay anything as long as they fulfil their contractual/ bond obligation.
Specific Instructions to Follow While Filling Application
Item —Name: It is very important that you list your name exactly as it appears (or will appear) on your passport.
Item—Education: Mention the field of study most appropriate to your study objective. Institutions: Please list all post-secondary institutions attended in reverse order (putting the most recently attended first).
Item—Work Experience: Please select the position title which best describes the activity in which you are currently (or most recently) involved and all previous experiences.
Item—Study/Research Objective: The study/research objective description that you provide is an essential and highly important part of your application. You should take great care to write a clear and very detailed description of the program you want to pursue. Clearly identify the area(s) within your field of study in which you want to specialize or concentrate. If there is a specific research that you want to accomplish, please describe it
Item—Personal Statement: The personal statement is a narrative statement explaining what is special, unique, distinctive, and/or impressive about you or your life story. It may include details of your life (personal or family problems, history, people or events that have shaped you or influenced your goals), explain your interest in the field you propose to study, and demonstrate that you are well suited to this field. It should also touch on your career plans and your purpose in applying for study in the U.S.
Note: Please review your application thoroughly before submission. Attach readable copies of the required documents.
How to Apply for HEC Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) 2023?
- In order to apply for the HEC HAT 2023, you need to visit ETC e-Portal.
- Fill out the form and in case of any query, you can contact HEC Help Desk or visit HEC Regional Offices for guidance.
- Application comprises of two steps:
- Profile completion using ‘My Profile’ section.
- Application submission using “Higher Education Aptitude Test’ menu on the left-hand sidebar menu for the online portal.
- HEC will only consider complete and submitted applications.
- Candidates will be able to download the Bank Challan for payment of fee, which is Rs. 2,000.
- The Higher Aptitude Test (HAT) fee must be deposited in Habib Bank Limited (HBL) Account No 1742 7900 1334 01 with account title – Higher Education Commission.
- Candidates will be required to upload a scanned copy of the paid fee challan on the portal.
- Candidates need to bring an original copy of the paid fee challan with the roll number slip, original CNIC/Passport on the day of the test, otherwise they will not be allowed to sit in the examination.
The deadline for the HEC Higher Aptitude Test (HAT) is May 10, 2023.
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