Pakistan’s top journalist Ansar Abbasi has has been really busy sexualizing a simple workout / exercise video that aired on Pakistan Television (PTV). This was especially disappointing in a sense that something like this can only be sexualized by a perverted mind and nothing something that was expected from the journalist.

The video showed a female doing a simple workout / exercise and fitness routine on television that was shared by journalist Ansar Abbasi while tagging Prime Minister Imran Khan, Chairman CPEC Authority Asim Bajwa and Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Information and Broadcasting Shibli Faraz.
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The video which has nothing inappropriate with the female exercising in a proper gym attire on PTV was shared by Ansari Abbasi as it seemed too sexual and inappropriate to the journalist.
This is the tweet by that has started trending on social media.
To be fair, only someone with a perverted and sick mentality would find something inappropriate with the workout / exercise video aired on PTV especially since the female was wearing proper gym attire.
Anyone with this thinking is too far gone and needs to seek psychological counseling to avoid further implications and may also consider cutting off from watching television or using the internet.
Not surprising that all sane people share the same view and have taken to Twitter to school Ansar Abbasi for this negative mindset.
However, there are many supporting the journalist too and this shows how many people actually have such a sick mentality that they find a simple video of a woman working out on PTV as vulgar, inappropriate and sexual.
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It’s not about sexualising women. If women wants to wear whatever she wants she can and she should. BUT there are things that shouldn’t be shown on tv. Now you’ll say I have sick mentality but actually I think man or a women should dress as they please but they shouldn’t be shown own tv with tight clothing. I have huge problem with men who wear shorts in public now a days. There are men who’ll wear thin trousers and everything is visible. It’s for both men and women. Dress appropriately in public and on television as it is public aswell. But dress as you want inside your house.