Pakistani star Ayesha Omar has been facing extreme backlash after uploading some bold pictures in on Instagram with online trolls lecturing the actress on decency and religion.

Keyboard warriors are always ready to attack female celebrities on a second’s notice after they upload bold pictures and this time its the popular Bulbulay star Ayesha Omar who has been on the receiving end of such criticism.
Ayesha is one of the top most actresses of Pakistan having worked in some popular silver-screen titles, including Karachi Se Lahore, Yalghaar and Kaaf Kangana.
Read more: ‘Are you Muslim?’ – Netizens ask Amna Ilyas for uploading bold pictures.
Ayesha Omar Bold Pictures

However, there were some who did not approve of these pictures and went on to criticize the star and started to moral police the actress.

Read more: Netizens hit out at Hajra Yamin for wearing cropped dress.
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