
Palestinian actress Maisa Abd Elhadi shot injured by Israeli forces

Palestinian actress Maisa Abd Elhadi starred in Hulu’s Baghdad Central was shot, injured by Israeli forces in a peaceful protest in Haifa city.

Palestinian actress maisa abd elhadi shot injured by israeli forces
Palestinian actress Maisa Abd Elhadi shot injured by Israeli forces

Baghdad Central star Maisa Abd Elhadi (35-year-old) actress explained the incident on her Instagram handle while sharing the videos of the incident that shows blood spilling from her leg.

Maisa Abd Elhadi shared the story on Instagram

Maisa Abd Elhadi wrote ‘I never thought I would write a post like this and I am a bit embarrassed to write this in the face of my own people who have experienced far worse.

On Sunday I took part in a peaceful protest in Haifa, we were Chanting, Sindhing, Expressing our anger using our voices. I personally was chanting and filming the events taking place. A short while after the protest began, the soldiers began firing stun grenades and gas grenades and I realized that things are beginning to escalate. I stood on the sidewalk, in a place that seemed safe, I was alone and my back was facing the soldiers as I was filming the Palestinian flag over the Bahaai Gardens – In Short, I did not pose a threat to anyone.

I began to march toward my car and I heard a very loud boom very close to me and I felt that my jeans got torn! That is the first thing I felt! I tried to continue walking but I couldn’t, and I realized that the blood is spilling from my leg and that my skin is torn apart, A young man who was standing nearby came to help me walk, and I was trying to figure out what it is that they shot me with because the condition of my leg was very bad, I wasn’t sure whether it was a stun grenade or live ammunition, the only thing that was certain is that I was creasing in pain, terrified by the state of my leg and by the sight of the young boys and girls facing the Israeli forces in the streets all by themselves.

More men came to the rescue and carried me away from the protest and treated me in a park nearby, they tried to stop the bleeding and luckily, among those men was a paramedic who managed to stop the bleeding while the ambulance was on its way. The ambulance arrives half an hour after the boys and girls called him to cause the police prevented it from entering the sites and helping the injured protestors.

The police and the occupation forces do not hesitate to attack or kill any Palestinian regardless of whether he/she poses a threat or not. This is not the first time the police and army assault us in peaceful protestors. I had no doubt that as a Palestinian I am constantly facing immediate threats, but this time it became clear that we are at the war front and the only thing is separating us from is luck.

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