Kawish Television Network (KTN) Entertainment just released a teaser for their upcoming Sindhi version of the popular Turkish drama Ertugrul Ghazi (Dirilis Ertugrul).

The Turkish drama has garnered a huge fan base in Pakistan after it first started airing on PTV Home during the Holy month of Ramazan ul Mubarak.
Read more: Log Kia Kahenge to feature Aijaz Aslam and Faysal Qureshi.
Inspired by the Turkish drama, this Sindhi television network coming out with its local version of the popupar series.
Here is the teaser for their upcoming drama.
The Sindhi version of Ertugrul Ghazi even features a local version of fan favorite Esra Bilgic.

The exact date for the release of this drama is still unknown however, according to KTN Entertainment it is expected to be out soon.
Read more: Sarah Khan & Falak Shabir Nikah Ceremony Video.