Lahore, known for its rich culture and vibrant history, has unfortunately become synonymous with severe air pollution, particularly during the winter months when smog blankets the city. The health implications are vast, ranging from respiratory issues to cardiovascular diseases. However, there are several practical steps that residents can take to...
KARACHI: CEO Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) Zubair Motiwala said that Pakistani companies have made notable progress in the development and manufacturing of medical devices and equipment, which could not only reduce $2 billion of the import bill within the next five years but also earn foreign exchange for...
WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has determined that the upsurge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR). Dr Tedros’s declaration came on...
Punjab's Sehat Card provides free medical services and treatment to residents of the province, but is it a viable option for patients suffering from neurological or autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS)? While the province's Health Card is a very effective option for several ailments and treatments, a lot of...
In recognition of Rare Disease Day, Roche Pakistan Limited held a panel discussion and press briefing to raise awareness about rare diseases in Pakistan and to emphasize the unmet needs of patients, especially when it comes to awareness, funding, and government support. The panel comprised MD Roche Pakistan, Ms. Hafsa...
The black seed, or Kalonji seed, is scientifically known as Nigella sativa. The herd grows about 16–24 inches in height. From it comes a small rectangular black seed, which is also known as the blessed seed (Arabic: Habbat ul Baraka, or Habbat ul Sauda). This magical black seed has many...
Mango is the king of fruits and the most popular among others. In Pakistan, over 150 types of mangoes are produced, including Chaunsa, Langara, Sindheri, DUSEHRI mango, Anwar Ratole, Ratnagiri mango, Alphonso mango, Sammar Bahisht mango, Fajri mango, etc. Everyone likes to eat mangoes, while people wait eagerly for mango...
Vision Eye Care, an international relief organization dedicated to the prevention of blindness with a footprint in 39 countries around the world, launched its 35th cataract surgery project, the 'Vision Eye Camp,' in Karachi and Lahore. Organized through sponsorships from the Parwaaz Financial Services Limited, CITI Group, Hanananum Foundation, Lotte Akhtar...
KARACHI: The Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) launched its Second Opinion service platform on Monday, February 12, 2024. With this launch, patients from across Pakistan and around the world will have access to the medical opinions of AKUH doctors, without having to consult them personally. A second opinion is medical...
Getting rid of acne scars can be challenging for many. It is estimated about 85% of young adults are affected by acne throughout the world. The acne condition may vary from light to severe from case to case. Apart from conventional treatments, there are many home remedies to treat acne...
Simple and easy habits in your daily routine can make a lot of difference, try to add these basic beauty tips to your daily routine. Carelessness and negligence, in the long run, will damage your skin. It is really important to spare a few minutes daily for your skincare regimen. The...
Walee Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (WALEE), one of Pakistan's leading technology companies dedicated to innovation and community commitment, hosted "WALEE’s Pinktober Awareness Session" to raise awareness about breast cancer. This exclusive event aimed to promote awareness and encourage breast cancer screening, a disease that affects the lives of countless women in...
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