With infinite household chores, studies and line of work so tough, maintaining proper sleeping habits is a challenge that we all face daily. A normal individual requires at least seven to eight hours of sleep, and comfortable, peaceful, energetic sleeping-period is something every person craves for. Hence, in this article, we discuss some of the easiest steps to be followed if you’re struggling for a proper slumber.

Keeping up regular sleeping habits is extremely significant as it is the basis of human emotions. Lack of proper slumber might mess up with mood and energy, making the individual exhausted, worn-out and restless. Other than that, continues sleepless nights have negative effect on internal metabolism also, welcoming blood pressure, digestive and many other disorders.
Hence, below discussed is the effective stepladder, which leads to prosperous, qualitative and relaxed sleeping habits.
Read more: Overcoming Insomnia – Symptoms & Treatment towards quality sleep.
1. Stick to a sleeping schedule
Maintenance of consistent sleeping pattern plays a foremost role towards achieving qualitative sleeping habits. Being regular reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle. This can be achieved by setting alarm initially and going to bed at exact hour every day. With time, try to get up naturally on fixed time that would be possible after few weeks of alarmed mornings.
Here to mention, the normal human body requires maximum seven hours of sleep to function accurately. Hence, staying in bed for long hours might disturb the usual sleeping pattern. Also, during weekends, do not exceed your sleep routine to more than one hour.
2. Limit day time naps
Majority of people make daytime naps their regular part of the day. And to be honest, short naps do lighten up your mood and proves beneficial during exhausting schedule. However, as day naps compensate the body’s sleep yearning, you might experience disturbed and wakeful night-time sleeping habits.
Therefore, to achieve a durable and qualitative slumber at night, eliminating or reducing day time naps to not one hour is proven fruitful. Besides, sleepless afternoon timetable also makes you weary and tired, and enhances nighttime sleeping habits.
According to a recent study, “napping for 30 minutes or less can enhance daytime brain function; longer naps can harm health and sleep quality.”
3. Reduce caffeine, nicotine and alcohol consumption
Caffeine is a powerful stimulant, known to enhance focus, energy and performance. However, the less known fact is that caffeine through any source stays in the metabolism for maximum 6 to 8 hours. Hence, when consumed late in the day, it stimulates your nervous system and may stop body from naturally relaxing at night, disturbing the sleeping habits.
Therefore, caffeinated food products like tea, coffee, cola, chocolate, etc. should be avoided at night. Similarly, smokers should refrain from using tobacco products too close to bedtime.
Furthermore, talking about alcohol and nicotine, they might enforce drowsiness the time of intake, but later, the agents acts as the stimulants, affect the nervous system severely, troubling the normal sleep cycle. As revealed by the studies, “alcohol consumption at night decreased the natural nighttime elevations in human growth hormone (HGH), which plays a role in your circadian rhythm and has many other key functions.”
4. Bright light exposure during day time
Our body has a natural time managing clock known as circadian rhythm that works with light exposure. Bright light exposure during day time helps body in differentiating between day and night, hence stimulating drowsiness and sleepiness at night.
Circadian rhythm plays a key role in preserving healthy sleeping habits. And, to maintain normal circadian cycle, exposing body to sunlight through windows, outdoor walks, and exercise etc. can be favorable.
5. Bedroom environment
Bedroom atmosphere is very important when implementing qualitative sleeping habits. A quiet, dark, and cool environment can help promote sound slumber. To achieve such background, minimize exposure to light by using heavy curtains, eye masks and blackout shades. Lower the volume of outside noise with earplugs or a white noise appliance. Keep your bedroom neat and clean with optimal temperature and limit bedroom activities to sleeping and relaxing only.
6. Pre-Sleep routine
Establishing a soothing pre-sleep routine can do wonders to your sleeping habits. For example, a warm shower before going to bed alters the body temperature, and gears drowsiness, making you drift off instantly into a peaceful slumber. Other than that, listening to a beautiful melody, reading a book, watching a movie, writing, swimming and exercise also enhances sleep mechanism, contributing positively towards sleeping habits.
Also, avoid taking your problems to bed. Overthinking, stress and forceful thoughts promote production of hormone cortisol, which is associated with increasing alertness.
7. Lighten up your night time meals
Heavy dinner or late night feasts increase load on body’s metabolism and digestive cycle, making it harder for the body to drift off. Hence, early and light consumption of dinner, approximately 4 hours prior, encourages good sleeping habits. Additionally, to settle the last minute before-bed cravings, a glass of water could be fruitful.
8. Get a comfortable mattress and pillow
Besides pattern and relaxing environment, another key factor towards qualitative sleeping habits is a comfortable bed quality. Mattresses and pillows tend to become stiff with time, causing back pain and restless sleep.
One study looked at the benefits of a new mattress for 28 days, revealing that it reduced back pain by 57%, shoulder pain by 60%, and back stiffness by 59%. It also improved sleep quality by 60%.
9. Do not go to bed unless you’re tired
Bed is indeed a happy place to many of us. And, laying on your comfortable mattress and pillow, under cozy blanket might be one of the best feelings. However, resting on your bed for more than necessary hours might be a problem as the body gets used to the environment. Hence, do not go to bed unless you really want to embrace slumber.
10. Do not use cellphone before sleeping
We are all habitual to using cellphone in bed. Nevertheless, the sharp screen lights and rays radiating from the cellphones might make it harder to fall asleep, as they have direct effect on nervous system, hence upsetting the sleeping habits.
Read more: Healthy lifestyle – Staircase towards better future.
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