Global Fitness Group is sending out an Open Invitation for Ladies and Children of all ages. Come join the Global Fitness Group for a fit mind and body. Exercise is the main component to strengthening your inner core. Every person is unique; befriend your self, your mind, and marvel upon the capability of your muscle memory with our blend of Yoga, Pilates, and purposeful movements balance your mind, body, and breath; our movements targets and addresses pain without undressing the person in you. With regular practice, you will become in control of your health and accomplishments. Building up meaningful motion of warming up, stretching, and calm cooling of daily exercises, will put you in control and you will draw from your surroundings positivity, you will learn that even negativity can be a tool to learn from as in what not to do, what not to say and how not to be…
You will command with calm composure yourself and emanate joy to those around you. Exercise movements are about strengthening and healing with YOUR inner warmth to yourself and not trying to concentrate on negativism, damages, and ill feelings.
You are invited to our open Inspirational Event
Held at the Global Haven plaza
Where our unique Brain-Body Breath Balance Program expands intelligence, learning ability builds confidence, improves focus and enhances concentration, memory and enables recall.
Our perfect blend of fitness movements of Yoga and Pilates strengthens your inner core, rejuvenates and invigorates your aspirations, giving rise to inspiration and creativity.
We have a special package for a group of 11 members
There is ‘No registration fee and no administration fee’
GLOBAL FITNESS GROUP, #1 & 2, STREET 15, SECTOR F-15/1, ISLAMABAD TEL: 0343 6999204 AND 0337 6110179
The Heart and the Head
The One and the Answer
One: Go away. Leave me alone…
Answer: [With a laugh] A person is never alone…
One: I live alone, no one visits me, fortunately, I don’t even have to go out.
Answer: So, who are you telling to go away and to leave you alone?
One: My thoughts!
Answer: The ambiguity – no one can control your thoughts – yet – you are not being able to control your thoughts…
One: I’m trying
Answer: Your body is your own, taking stock of your thinking, exercising your body, breath and mind so its in pristine mode to build inner core strength
One: I do see…
Answer: do you see – the vast space behind closed eyes, its unique to your consciousness, its where the doors of enlightenment preside, beyond shutting the world out and getting past darkness – is light…
One: I am in the process of seeking the essence of why there is a heart inside me, pumping blood within me…
Answer: Love, is the essence
One: People incarcerate me, cause me pain with accusations and blame, in return I give the purest thing I own: my love
Answer: Your dress of motherhood, fatherhood, sisterhood, brotherhood, and all the other God-given hoods – come with immense responsibility which when fulfilled adequately, make you into a warrior of peace, love, harmony, bliss, and gratitude…
One: These are words of wisdom in the ideal world, what of those who are out there to control with brutal force, who do not listen, and of those who are being brutally forced, and their voice is not heard…
Answer: until they know their own truth, they will not see yours’, pray for them, keep your heart lit up with the light of your love, light is refulgent, it is enlightenment when you and they see it, it is one same delight – of life!
When we put our hands together, where the little fingers meet, the palms facing and close to your face; breathe and utter the feelings inside your heart. Feel the warmth of your breath on your palms. This warmth is from inside of you. No warmth can come forth without a light. This light is from inside of you. You have the right to your every breath, to draw upon your inner strength. May this moment henceforth bring you closer to the friend standing before you in the mirror. May calm composure engulf your every day and date that life brings your way
Activities at Global Fitness Group
- The activities are according to the needs of the person:
- A perfect blend of Yoga, Pilates and Brain Body Breathe Balancing
- In order to build upon inner core strength with the smile, sometimes requires equipment such as gym balls, dumbbells, stretch bands
- And the most obvious we use ourselves, the ground and the space around us in the most bodily constructive manner possible
- For the children who accomplish focusing, concentrating and improving memory and recall, we have classes to bring into play and work the enhanced abilities and innate capabilities to the subjects studied at school or at home.
A Synopsis of Habit Stacking | Inspired by Atomic Habits
READ MORE: Global Fitness Group: ladies & children Yoga classes for Fit body and mind