When one learns through practical experiences, then the knowledge gained from it is retained for a lifetime. Practical knowledge has its own set of advantages. When one captures the first-hand experience, then knowledge stays for a longer time than the lectures or classrooms teachings. When one learns biology, dissection remains an integral part of it. It is about hands-on learning. This method makes it interesting. It imparts a deep understanding of the anatomy incomparable to the second-hand teaching techniques. Therefore, here is a list of a few reasons which explain the importance of dissection in biology.
- Hands-on approach:
The hands-on approach remains the highlight of it. Individuals find it easier to learn when the taught subject matter engages them. It instills interest in them as one can touch, feel and experience various organs. They can then try to apply the same knowledge to the anatomy of their body and get a greater understanding of human biology. It helps one to comprehend the biological system of how the body works with the help of its organs.
- Helps in understanding the intricacies of bodies:
Some organs in some animals work similarly as in humans. When one learns about the anatomy of the human body by the hands-on approach provided by dissection, he/she can learn about the intricacies. For example, frogs demonstrate the organs of a complex organism, when used in dissection. One can provide insights to the internal working of the human body by noticing that the presence and placement of organs in a frog are similar. Furthermore, you can learn the arrangement of organs in various organisms using such methods. Such organisms have similar organic structure to humans, which makes it easier to research and practice. You can also search for the Parts Of A Frog.
- Creates interest among students:
When the students get to know that they will be working on a real specimen, they exhibit more attention. They seem to be more attentive and keen to learn by experiencing it on their own. More excellent information can be assimilated and related by looking at the specimen. One can recall the theory behind the working of the body of the animals taught to them in the lectures, by looking at it in reality. Teachers say that no alternative can match the learning by dissection. One can develop exceptional motor skills by learning to manipulate sharp instruments.
- Inspires for future careers:
It can prove to be a good learning experience for those who wish to pursue related professions. They can get early exposure to the tools and techniques along with the familiarity with organ tissues. Surgeons can credit their career to the fascination created by learning through dissection and all the first-hand experiences it provides. The dissection models offer additional resources to enforce the practical approach.
Hence, these reasons must have convinced you how dissection remains an integral part of the biology curriculum and how it allows the students to learn about their bodies within the confined walls of the classroom.