Mango is the king of fruits and the most popular among others. In Pakistan, over 150 types of mangoes are produced, including Chaunsa, Langara, Sindheri, DUSEHRI mango, Anwar Ratole, Ratnagiri mango, Alphonso mango, Sammar Bahisht mango, Fajri mango, etc. Everyone likes to eat mangoes, while people wait eagerly for mango season. Consumption of mangoes may have a positive effect on health.

Everyone likes to eat mangoes, while people wait eagerly for mango season. Consumption of mangoes may have a positive effect on health.
Reduce your blood sugar level. It is high in fiber, vitamins A and C, as well as other minerals. In addition to the positive effects on body fat, blood lipids, and glucose, it is not associated with serious side effects such as negative effects on bone that are linked with the use of rosiglitazone, a drug commonly used to lower blood sugar.
Reduce cancer risk. Another study led by the Institute for Obesity Research and Program Evaluation of Texas A ‘n’ M University Assistant Professor and Research Director Susanne Mertens-Talcott examined the effects of polyphenols found in fresh mangos on cancerous and non-cancerous breast cells. This study suggested that mango polyphenols might limit the inflammatory response in both cancerous and non-cancerous breast cells.
Eye Health: One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.
Alkalizes the Whole Body: The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali reserve of the body.
Improves Digestion: Papayas are not the only fruit that contains enzymes for breaking down proteins. There are several fruits, including mangoes, that have this healthful quality. The fiber in mangos also helps digestion and elimination.
Remedy for Heat Stroke: Juicing the fruit from green mango and mixing it with water and a sweetener helps to cool down the body and prevent harm to the body. From an Ayurvedic viewpoint, the reason people often get diuretic and exhausted when visiting equatorial climates is that the strong “sun energy” is burning up your body, particularly the muscles. The kidneys then become overloaded with the toxins from this process.
Boosts Immune System: The generous amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangos, plus 25 different kinds of carotenoids, keep your immune system healthy and strong.
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