There are so many but I’ve just pointed out 10 as the most dangerous and poisonous Animals, It is not easy to tell which animal is the most poisonous. This post is informative and I would love if you share with me as well, the one you think are the most dangerous and poisonous.взять авто в кредит

1. Box Jellyfish

The top prize for “The World Most Venomous Animal,” would go to the Box Jellyfish. It has caused at least 5,567 recorded deaths since 1954. Their venom is among the most deadly in the world. It’s toxins attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells.
2. King Cobra
The King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the world’s longest venomous snake – growing up to 5.6 m (18.5 ft) in length.
3. Marbled Cone Snail

This little beautiful looking Marbled Cone snail can be as deadly as any other animal on this list. One drop of its venom is so powerful that it can kill more than 20 humans
4. Blue-Ringed Octopus
The Blue-Ringed Octopus is very small, only the size of a golf ball, but its venom is so powerful that can kill a human. Actually it carries enough poison to kill 26 adult humans within minutes, and there is no antidote.
5. Death Stalker Scorpion

Contrarily to the popular belief most of the scorpions are relatively harmless to humans as stings produce only local effects (pain, numbness or swelling). However, the Death Starker Scorpion is highly dangerous species because its venom is a powerful cocktail of neurotoxins which causes an intense and unbearable pain, then fever, followed by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death. Fortunately, while a sting from this scorpion is extremely painful, it would be unlikely to kill a healthy, adult human.
6. Stonefish

Maybe Stonefish would never win a beauty contest, but it would definitely win the top prize for being “The World Most Venomous Fish”. Its venom causes such a severe pain that the victims of its sting want the affected limb to be amputated
7. The Brazilian wandering spider
The Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) or banana spider appears in the Guinness Book of World Records 2007 for the most venomous spider and is the spider responsible for most human deaths.
8. Inland Taipan
The prize for “The World’s Most Venomous Snake” goes to the Inland Taipan of Australia. Just a single bite from this snake contains enough venom to kill 100 human adults or an army of 250,000 mice. Its venom is at least 200 – 400 times more toxic than a common cobra.
9. Poison Dart Frog
If you ever happen to be running through the rain forests somewhere in Central or South America, do not ever pick up beautiful and colorful frogs – it can be the Poison Dart Frog.
10. Puffer Fish

Puffer Fish are the second most poisonous vertebrate on earth (the first one is golden dart Frog). The meat of some species is a delicacy in both Japan (as fugu) and Korea (as bok-uh) but the problem is that the skin and certain organs of many puffer fish are very poisonous to humans.
what an idiot of a person. didn’t even search before creating a blog and just misleading people without knowledge. Most of these things dont even exist in Pakistan. I am sure for most the land animals as King cobra, inland taipan and Brazilian wandering spider dont found in Pakistan, for the sea creatures, thats a still lot to discover on the other hand so not saying anything about them.
Atleast do a little research and post a link of info to varify your research. Extremely misleading!
Thank god i didnt see see any of these when i went to pakistan!!!!!!!
i have full black scorpio 700 grm who want then give me a rate
Do u hav any big scorpion for sale?
I have company
We are new group working and collecting scorpions, and we want to have business relation.
Thus, we have reasonable quantity with different scorpion’s types.
Mr. Abshir
Tell: 00252616308938
Does this death starker scorpion exist in Pakistan?
Most dangerous animal of pakistan is pakistan itself
My goodness! How do you make it through the day!?
these animals exist in most of the areas that either don't have any population or have very less population and are in rural retreat, etc. Not common here but they still exist.