The Federal Government may soon announce a relief package or discount for farmers looking to get Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP) Fertilizers in order to help them with reconstruction and rehabilitation after the devastating floods that caused severe damage to farms across the country.

According to the details, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Production have prepared a farmer’s relief package to provide discount on purchase of DAP Fertilizers, which will be announced soon by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.
Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue, Muhammad Ishaq Dar, presided over a meeting with Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP) manufacturers on Fertilizers at Finance Division with Federal Minister for Industries and Production Syed Murtaza Mahmood, SAPM on Finance Tariq Bajwa, Secretary Finance, MD FFBL Arif ur Rehman, Head Corporate Affairs FFBL Brig. Edgar Felix, CFO FFBL Javed Akhtar, and other senior officers from the Finance division attendence.
The FFBL delegation brief the Finance Minister about the DAP manufacturer’s contribution to the national exchequer by FFBL, as it is the only DAP producer in the country and ensured round-the-year availability and shields the farmers from the vagaries of international market.
They also apprised the Finance Minister about the issues plaguing them due to expensive inputs, power shortage, and increased General Sales Tax (GST), and more. The Federal Minister acknowledged the contribution of the local DAP manufacturers and commended them for their efforts.
However, the Finance Minister apprised the FFBL delegation about the ongoing economic situation of the country after the huge loss caused by severe flooding across the country and efforts it would take for the reconstruction and rehabilitation. He added that the present government was focusing on ways to provide relief to the farmers and stressed the Fertilizer Manufacturers to reconsider the price of DAP Fertilizer.
In response, the DAP Fertilizer Manufacturers agreed to considerably reduce the prices. Therefore, the Government is formulating a relief package to offer discount to farmers getting DAP Fertilizers along with seeds at discounted rates. More details about the relief package for farmers will be revealed soon.
Read more: Punjab Govt & Akhuwat Foundation to Provide House Loans to Low-Income People.
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