Prime Minister (PM) of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif, has announced an increase of 150% in the executive allowance of government officers (grade 17 to 22) of the federal secretariat, while the poor citizens of the country continue to suffer heavy inflation and increased prices of basic commodities.

The decision was taken following a consultative meeting with the Finance Minister, Ishaq Dar and the new executive allowance will be applied to the 2017 basic salary and it will take effect from 1 January 2023.
While, the Finance Minister, Ishaq Dar, is busy recommending huge increase in executive allowance for government officers, he is also busy at work to make lives of the common man difficult with with poor policies that have led to the worst inflation in the history of the country.
The Finance Minister on Sunday had announced a hike of Rs. 35 in the price of petroleum products, which will lead towards a wave of price hike in the country for basic everyday necessities.
Read more: Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan – 29 January 2023.
To top things off, the Government also raised prices of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) by Rs. 60 per kg during times when natural gas is barely available for the population and mostly people rely on LPG for daily tasks like cooking and heating in winter.
Read more: LPG Price Raised by Rs 60 in Pakistan.
However, the Federal Government has decided to make lives of government officers easier by increasing executive allowance by 150% during times of high inflation.
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