The Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan is hopeful that operations at Gwadar International Airport will commence by 2025. A recent notification from the authority states that the New Gwadar International Airport is expected to be functional by next year.

The official notification reveals that the airport has received certification as a global aerodrome category C for the next two years. This certification ensures that pilots can confidently land planes at the airport under various weather conditions.
CAA officials also confirmed the installation of a modern landing system at the New Gwadar International Airport. They claimed, “The world’s most modern landing system has been installed on the runway of New Gwadar International Airport, allowing the big airplanes like Airbus 320 and Boeing 737 to land safely,”
In December of the previous year, CAA released a new three-month flight operation schedule for Gwadar Airport. According to the schedule, flight operations will run from December 1 to February 28, 2024, on three days a week (Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday). Additionally, non-scheduled flights must notify the Gwadar Airport administration 24 hours in advance.