SINDH: Dead bodies of hundreds of caged pets were found dead at Karachi’s Empress Market by animal activists. The pets were abandoned due to coronavirus lockdown.
Abandoned when Karachi went into lockdown resulted in the death of hundreds of dogs, cats and rabbits.
Hundreds of pets found dead due to lockdown in Karachi
Due to the outbreak of coronavirus the Government had imposed strict lockdown of the markets only allowing the food essential and the pharma to stay open. Unfortunately the government bodies forgot the poor voiceless animals.
The lockdown kept them from going to their pet shops, regrettably the pet shop owners didn’t seem to raise their voices.
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Those alive are in a very bad condition
This is the condition of Karachi Pet Market, similar reports are being received from different cities. The owners of the pet shops have fled due to coronavirus-led fears forgetting their pets.
According to a video shared on social media by Ayesha Chundrigar founder ACF Animal Rescue, the animals were found in a very devastating condition. About 70% of the pets were found dead laying on the grounds on in their cages.
Some shop owners sneaked in to feed their animals
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The rest 30% that were alive were found in very bad condition.
The animals were unfed and with out any ventilation, no water and no food.
The shop owners were unable to return to their shops due to the lockdown. When they reached the site most of the animals had already died.
Hundreds of pets found dead in Pakistan due to coronavirus lockdown –
In Lahore the animals rights activists say some pet owners are abandoning their pets in fear of catching COVID-19 from their pets.
In Lahore bodies of about 20 dogs were found dumped in a sewer near Tollinton Market, a hub of pet business which had left the animals to starve.
To get the access the activist had to appeal to the Government. The animals are left inside the shops in cages with no light, no food, no water and no ventilation.
Save the Animals
The Government and the Animal Rights activist need to go and check all the pet shops across the country and rescue them before they meet the same tragic death.
Since the businesses were closed some of the owners had to sneak into their shops to feed their animals. It is heart wrenching that the government bodies totally forgot the animals in this crisis.
Due to the efforts of the ACF Animal Rescue, they have convinced the Karachi authorities to allow the pet shop owners to daily access to the animals.