On the special directions of Inspector General of Police Islamabad, Dr. Sultan Azam Temuri, Crackdown against tinted glasses has been started and Islamabad Traffic Police is taking serious action against the violators.
Update: Notification issued on 28th May 2018, shared below.

It has been observed that suspected criminals now hide under the cover of tinted glasses and illegal number plates to commit crime.
Citizens are therefore advised to immediately dismantle/remove from their vehicles, all unlawfully procured revolving lights, sirens, tinted glasses and illegal number pates to avoid any inconvenience. Islamabad Traffic Police officers have been directed to ensure strict enforcement of law without any discrimination.
It is our request to IGPIslamabad and Traffic department to restore Islamabad Vehicle Verification Online system which is inactive since 5 months due to unknown reason, citizens are facing difficulty to verify there vehicles.