The National Highways and Motorways Police (NHMP) has announced a massive hike in the traffic violation fines on highways and motorways across Pakistan.

According to the circular, the traffic violation fines have been increased several fold at all highways and motorways under the jurisdiction of the National Highways and Motorways Police (NHMP).
The revised traffic violation fines will come into effect from October 1, 2023, as the motorway police is currently running an awareness campaign for the public on social media, mainstream media and other other channels.
The fine for over-speeding has been increased from Rs. 750 to Rs. 2,500, while overtaking fine will now be charged at Rs. 1,200 instead of Rs. 300, which is an increase of Rs. 1,200. Meanwhile, the fine for using faulty lights is now Rs. 5,000. Meanwhile, the fine for driving on any highway or motorway without a license has now been increased to Rs. 5,000 instead of Rs. 750.
Below you will find the complete list of new traffic violation fines for highways and motorways.
New Traffic Violation Fines on Highways and Motorways

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