Ruet-e-Hilal Commiittee Chairman Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman has announced his support for the extension of countrywide lockdown by the Federal Government.

Earlier, Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman said that the extension of lockdown was not applicable on Mosques and comgregational prayers would continue as normal including Taraweeh prayers in Ramazan.
Read more: Lockdown not for Mosques: Mufti Muneeb.
However, Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman while speaking with the Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Noor ul Haq Qadri supported the decision Prime Minister Imran Khan for extension of the countrywide lockdown.
Mufti Muneeb also said that a meeting will be held on 18 April which will be attended by several top religious scholars including Mufti Taqi Usmani in the country and a decision will be made over the Friday prayers as well as Taraweeh prayers and Aitafak during Ramazan which is right around the corner.
However, Mufti Taqi Usmani still does not agree that mosques should remain closed for general public as he said that the demands of ulemas were balanced and the government should allow mosques to remain open following precautionary measures.
Read more: Investigation against social media posts against CJP & Superior Judiciary.
Allah pak is bemari say puri dunia ko pak kr dey