Yesterday, I had the distinct displeasure of getting a taste of what it would be like if there was no WiFi in the house. I also had to go through the most obscure fault finding regime I have ever done, with some confounding results, leading to desperate measures.
This life without wifi (even though its really only been 2 days) thing is quite interesting. I keep clicking to launch my browser on my cellphone before I remember that I don’t have internet. Its like a weird little reflex. Nothing to do? Browse the internet! But not today !
Fortunately the past two days have been busy ones, with moving and unpacking and shopping so the true ‘boredom of being disconnected’ hasn’t really set in till today. Its times like these when I realize just how much I rely on the internet, how much I use it every day. In addition to the typical email and Twitter, I blog, read blogs, do research for thesis , google news and ‘how to’ do things, look for jobs, etc.
I think perhaps this little internet haitus might be a good thing for me, it will force me to focus on a few things that I really need to get done, like writing my thesis, editing a couple of articles, finishing a book…real life stuff in stead of ‘virtual’ although, a good chunk of it is still going to be done on my computer – can’t escape technology altogether I guess!
I’m hoping I can mitigate this blogging thing despite my wifi issues but I apologize if I miss a day here and there
By : Cera  ,