Apple has introduced the new MacBook Air M3, featuring its latest silicon, promising enhanced performance compared to the previous generation. Available in 13 and 15-inch sizes, the MacBook Air M3 maintains its familiar design, now with some minor upgrades.
The latest models can connect to two external displays simultaneously, a notable improvement over the previous version, although this feature only functions when the laptop lid is closed. Retaining Liquid Retina screens with 500 nits peak brightness, the new MacBook Air is powered by the M3 processor, boasting an 8-core CPU, up to 10-core GPU, and a faster 16-core Neural Engine.
Apple claims a significant performance boost, offering 60% more power compared to the M1 model and surpassing Intel-based MacBooks by 13 times. The Air M3 also promises improved gaming experiences with hardware-accelerated mesh shading and ray tracing, along with support for AV1 decoding.
In addition to the chipset upgrade, the new MacBook Air features WiFi-6E for faster speeds, advanced microphone modes for clearer audio, and a 1080p Facetime camera with support for Spatial Audio and Dolby Atmos. Available in midnight, starlight, space gray, and silver colors, the midnight option now includes an anodization seal to reduce visible fingerprints.
Pricing for the MacBook Air M3 starts at $1,099 for the 13-inch variant and $1,299 for the 15-inch model. Pre-orders are open now, with shipments starting on March 8th. Apple aims to offer consumers a more powerful and feature-rich laptop experience with the new MacBook Air M3.
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