I am not sure whether they work on every Android device, yet please find below several helpful codes to work on your cellphone. They are usually generic, and if not all, most would work on your device. These codes were neither tested nor worked on by Incpak.com but gathered from various sources.

Incpak takes no responsibility if using them would mess with your phone, so take caution and use them at your own risk.
Inputting these codes is as simple as ABC. All you need to do is go into your dialer or phone app. Once there, input the below values per screen, and you’ll be prompted with another screen to test your phone. Yet again, not all codes work on all mobiles. So whichever helps you ascertain your device, the better. These codes come in handy when buying a set off the market. When you can get into the phone to test it and find out its true performance and configuration,.
Android Important Codes are as below:
Cell Battery, WiFi Usage, etc. Info:
Restore factory settings.
Format Phone
Launch service mode
Test WiFi
*#*#232339#*#* or *#*#526#*#* or *#*#528#*#*
Display a WiFi MAC address.
GPS test
Other GPS tests
Bluetooth test
Display a Bluetooth physical address.
Start Gtalk monitoring.
PDA, Phone, H/W, RFC Call Date
PDA and phone
FTA SW version
FTA HW version
PDA, phone, csc,
Packet Loopback
LCD test
Melody test
Device tests such as vibration and lightness
Display touchscreen version
Touchscreen test
Distance sensor test
Display memory version
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