Qualcomm is reportedly developing a new processor, potentially a lighter variant of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, known as the SM8625. Leaks from Digital Chat Station on Weibo reveal key specifications, including a 2.9GHz ARM Cortex X4 core and an Adreno 735 GPU, with an AnTuTu score surpassing 1.7 million. Despite potential confusion with the SM7675, rumored to be the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3, indications suggest the SM8635 is a streamlined version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3.
Conflicting reports from leaker Roland Quandt suggest Qualcomm is concurrently developing both the SM8635 and SM7675, raising uncertainties about their roles in the Snapdragon lineup. Despite this ambiguity, several smartphone models, such as the Poco F6, Redmi Note 13 Turbo, and an upcoming iQOO Neo-series phone, are rumored to adopt the SM8635.
Really wonder what the difference between SM8635 and SM7675 will be. They both show up looking basically identical, but…. I've never seen this happen with anything Qualcomm. Two model numbers for the same chip…
— Roland Quandt (@rquandt) January 30, 2024
This speculation heightens anticipation for potential features and performance enhancements offered by these devices with the inclusion of the new chip. As the details unfold, the tech community awaits confirmation on Qualcomm’s latest developments and their impact on the next generation of smartphones.