Samsung is reportedly considering to introduce an entry-level variant of its upcoming foldable phone, which supports the previous rumors that the company had plans for an affordable foldable device. According to the latest report, Samsung is said to be planning a cheap version of the Galaxy Z Fold 6 that will come out in the second half of 2024 alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and also Galaxy Z Flip 6 at the company’s Unpacked event in August.
This act is viewed as a tactical measure against Samsung’s market position in the foldable smartphone segment of China where it currently stands on the third rank with a 19% share and is losing to the local players Huawei and Honor.
This move to introduce a more affordable version is very likely to increase Samsung’s market share in the China, where the foldable segment has been dominated by local brands. The report states that Samsung is focusing more on the Z Fold line than the Z Flip due to the former’s perceived higher potential in terms of design and work capability.
Although Samsung dominates the international market for foldable smartphones, launching a budget version of the Galaxy Z Fold 6 could be a source of competitive advantage, but it may also have negative implications for the profitability owing to unstable macroeconomic conditions and high concentration in the demand for premium goods.