There have been rumors that Telegram is working on a premium subscription plan with extra features. Today, Pavel Durov, the messaging app’s founder and CEO, confirmed that Telegram Premium Plan is indeed in development and it will be launched by the end of this month.

Telegram Premium is set to launch by the end of June and it will bring some extra features for the more demanding users with higher limit for chats, media, and file uploads, said Durov in a blog post, adding that existing features in the free version of the app will not be degraded and in fact, plenty of new features are going to be added to it.
Furthermore, he stated that even if users do not subscribe to Telegram Premium, they will be able to take advantage of some of its features, such as viewing extra-large documents, media, and stickers sent by Premium users, or tapping to add Premium reactions already pinned to a message to react in the same way.
He added that Premium service is means to meet the demand of some users for more bandwidth/storage without destroying the company’s ability to provide free service to everyone else. “After giving it some thought, we realized that the only way to let our most demanding fans get more while keeping our existing features free is to make those raised limits a paid option,” said Durov.
The exact details about Telegram Premium are not known yet. However, there are reports suggesting that paid tier will cost users $4.99 per month and the price may vary for different regions.
Read more: Telegram Shares Personal User Data with Authorities.
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