CALIFORNIA: More than 12,000 firefighters are battling to contain the massive California Fire which has forced more than 100.000 people to flee their homes.
The blazes have killed six people. At least 43 are injured, including fire fighters. Hundreds of building have been burned down and thousand more are in danger.
More than 12,000 dry lightning has sparked 560 fires, some of which are larges ever seen in history. The fire has burned a total of 915,000 acres of land.

At least 22 fire are said to be major out of hundreds of fires which has left the neighborhood into ashes and smoldering ruins.
Thousands of firefighters are struggling to contain the fire but there are too many fires and not enough resources to protect and prevent more homes from being torched. Some of the firefighters are working on 24-hour shifts.

Cal Fire resource management spokeswoman Christine McMorrow said one of the reasons for lack of resources that there are fewer prison inmates as they were released during the Covid-19 pandemic. The inmate firefighters being an integral part of firefighting operations, the early release has left them with 600 fewer firefighters.
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Almost every firefighting resources are being used to fight this devastating wildfire, Firefighters and aircraft from 10 states began arriving in California.
Among 560 wildfires three clusters of blazes have ravaged through forest and rural areas in the wine country and San Francisco Bay Area. Many of the blazes are small and remote.
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Key figures on the latest blazes
- LNU Lightning Complex in Sonoma, Lake, Napa, and Solano counties: 314,207 acres are burned. Only 15% is contained.
- CZU August Lightning Complex in Santa Crus and San Mateo counties: 57,000 acres are burned. Only 2% is contained.
- SCU lightning Complex about 20 fires, affecting locations in Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus counties: 274,968 acres are affected only 10% is contained.
- River Fire in Monterey County: 42,583 acres have been engulfed and 12% are contained.

When and How California Fire started
Many fires began a week ago due to heat wave coupled with rare outbreak of thunderstorms which produced more t he 20,000 lightning strikes.
The resulting fires and complexes of many small fires have merged to form major inferno.
The smoke from fires have deteriorated air quality to the point where it is ranked as some of the dirtiest air worldwide.

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