FRANCE: Two women were repeated stabbed in Paris under the Eiffel Tower in what is being termed as a racist attack following tensions after the recent beheading of a school teacher.

The attackers identified as two white females who have been arrested and are now facing charges of ‘attempted murder’ according to statement released by prosecutors.
The incident follows rising tensions over the beheading of Samuel Paty, a teacher in Paris after he showed cartoons of Prophet Muhammad to his students during a class on freedom of expression.
Read more: Paris Attack – Police shoot down a man for beheading his teacher.
This latest incident took place on Sunday where two Muslim women were repeatedly stabbed in Paris under the Eiffel Tower. The victims have been identified as Kenza, 49, and Amel, who is just a few years youngers.
According to details, Kenza was stabbed six times and ended up being admitted to the hospital with a punctured lung while Amel suffered injuries on her hand that needed surgery.
No information was initially released regarding this Paris stabbing incident leading to an uproar on social media where video footage and pictures from the scene started circulating.
The video footage shows screaming as the two Muslim women are being stabbed in this latest incident in Paris while the local police have released a statement that read:
On October 18, at around 8pm, the police intervened following an emergency call from two women wounded by knives on the Champs-de-Mars
One of the victim’s told a media outlet that the incident occurred went they went out for a walk under the Eiffel Tower. Kenza, one of the victims, stated:
As we walked, there were two dogs that come towards us. The children got scared. My cousin, who was veiled, asked the two women if it was possible to keep their dogs with them because the children were afraid.
However, the dog owners refused to put their animals on a leash leading to a heated argument after which the white women pulled out a knife and launched an attack on Kenza and Amel.
Kenza said in her statement:
One of the two took out a knife, she slashed me on the skull, on the back on the ribs and there was a third blow on the arm,
They then attacked my cousin.
Members of the France five million Muslim community have complained about the increase in Islamophobia resulting from recent government clampdown on Mosques and Muslim gatherings.
President of France, Emmanuel Macron ordered temporary closure of a Paris Mosque in their crackdown on Muslim hate preachers after the beheading of the school teacher by Abdullah Anzorov for showing cartoons of Prophet Mohammad.
The six-month order was ‘for the sole purpose of preventing acts of terrorism,’ the notice issued by the head of the Seine-Saint-Denis department read.
Read more: Paris teacher attack – Attacker had no connection with the teacher or school.