The tragic incident took place in Fort Worth, Texas, where a mother killed her own daughter by slashing her throat and then dumping her body in the backyard trash can. Fort Worth mother kills 4-year-old daughter 'to save her' Krystal Lewandowski, the 34-year-old mother, called 911 around 11:35am on Tuesday...
KENOSHA SHOOTING has led to protest in the US State of Wisconsin after the police shoot black man named Jacob Blake several times in the back. Jacob Blake was shot seven times by the US police as he walked up to his car while his children watched in pain. The...
CALIFORNIA: More than 12,000 firefighters are battling to contain the massive California Fire which has forced more than 100.000 people to flee their homes. The blazes have killed six people. At least 43 are injured, including fire fighters. Hundreds of building have been burned down and thousand more are in...
American talk show host and TV legend Larry King has suffered the loss of two of his children within weeks of each other. Larry King's two children die within weeks of each other. Larry King lost his only daughter Chaia King on Thursday (20 August) after a long battle with...
MOSCOW: Russia has become the first country to launch a coronavirus vaccine after less than two months of testing according to president Vladimir Putin. Russia becomes first country to launch coronavirus vaccine. President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia had become the first country to grant regulatory approval to...
An Air India Express plane carrying 191 people on board including the crew members skids off runway at Kozhikode in Kerala while coming in from Dubai. Air India Express plane skids off runway in Kerala. The pilot of the Air India Express plane has reportedly been killed in the accident...
Pakistan has provided aid in the form of food supplies and medicines to Lebanon for the victims of the tragic Beirut blast that occurred on three days ago. According to reports, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi contacted his Lebanese counterpart Charbel Wehbe offering condolences over the lives lost in the...
A massive fire broke out at a fruits and vegetable market in Ajman, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Wednesday around 6.30pm local time with thick black smoke visible from different areas of the emirates. Massive fire breaks out in Ajman, UAE. The Ajmal Civil Defence received calls of a massive...
At least 100 people have been killed with more than 4,000 injured following the Beirut blast on Tuesday that rocked the capital city of Lebanon causing widespread damage for miles. Beirut blast update: At least 100 killed, more than 4,000 injured. Rescue teams are still working to dig through the...
The Lebanese capital Beirut was hit by a large blast that injured hundreds of people according to the country's Health Minister Hamad Hassan. Huge blast rocks the Lebanese capital Beirut. The massive explosion in Beirut took place around 6:00pm local time at the port of the city which sent a...
The United States is unlikely to use a COVID-19 or coronavirus vaccine developed by China or Russia according to the US infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci who questioned the safety of such vaccines. US is unlikely to use any coronavirus vaccine developed by China or Russia. Several Chinese and...
President Donald Trump has suggested delaying the US Presidential Election 2020 over coronavirus saying that the Universal Mail-In voting would be fraudulent as he lags behind the competition in polls. Trump suggests delaying US presidential elections over coronavirus. Taking to Twitter, President Trump wrote, "2020 will be the most INACCURATE...
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