The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department is cautioning parents and children about the potential risks associated with sharing photos and videos on social media. They emphasize the importance of protecting minors and ensuring their safety in online activities. While children innocently sharing family photos may seem harmless, the department warns of unintended consequences. Exposure of personal details, such as family members and home particulars, could pose a danger, leaving children vulnerable to potential threats.
The department advises against sharing information about personal lives and relationships, especially with domestic help or drivers. Such exposure on social media not only opens the door to abuse and exploitation but may also lead to blackmail. Young individuals, often unaware of the consequences, may share private aspects of their lives to gain attention or boast about possessions, risking sensitive information being disclosed in unsafe environments.
To address these concerns, the department suggests several preventive measures. Firstly, parents should educate their children about the dangers of sharing private details outside the family. Children need awareness about electronic blackmail methods and the risks associated with revealing location and house details. Additionally, schools play a role in educating children about the significance of keeping personal information private. By fostering awareness and responsible online behavior, both parents and educators can contribute to the safety of children in the digital realm.